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Neue Schule Bits NS Bits Turtle Top with Flex Full Cheek16mm

DKK 2.090,00
Prisen er inkl. moms ekskl. Fragt

450 kr: -13% rabat på Horze & B Vertigo
800 kr:-18% på Horze & B Vertigo

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Ikke specificeret NS Bits Turtle Top with Flex Full Cheek16mm

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The Full Cheek reinforces the turning aid promoting straightness and turning. Particularly useful for the young horse in order to establish the bend etc. Also highly recommended for the novice rider who may not fully support their inside rein as the Full Cheek will stabilise the mouthpiece therefore not allowing it to slide across the mouth. This innovation is brilliant for the over-active busy mouth that chomps and chews on the mouthpiece. Turtle Top with Flex keeps the mouthpiece centred and arched over the tongue at all times, safely helping to prevent sideways tongue evasions. This comfortable mouthpiece re-focuses the inattentive mouth back onto the rein aids in order to achieve a soft consistent contact. Salox Mouthpiece, Stainless Steel Cheeks, Double Jointed Full Cheek.

Produkt-ID: 317567
