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Horseware Rambo Micklem Comfort lang gjord.

DKK 1.230,00
Prisen er inkl. moms ekskl. Fragt

450 kr: -13% rabat på Horze & B Vertigo
800 kr:-18% på Horze & B Vertigo

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The Rambo Micklem® comfort girth has been designed from the inside out, to match the precise shape of the horse, allowing exceptional comfort and better performance.

The unique design of the Rambo Micklem® girth provides the optimum pressure distribution around the rib cage and equal pressure on the girth straps. It is shaped to allow unrestricted use of the elbows and has an innovative groove to allow total comfort when using a martingale strap around the girth.


  • Rambo Micklem Comfort lang gjord.

Produkt-ID: 329434
