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Durability and maximum control! Whether you're holding reins or driving lines, in wet weather or during a strenuous workout, the uvex tensa II offers supreme durability and control, even under extreme conditions.
Uvex Tensa ridehandsker tilbyder grænseløs holdbarhed og kontrol, selv under ekstreme forhold, hvad enten du holder i tøjler eller køreliner, i regn eller under svedig træning. Tensa-serien blev udviklet i samarbejde med Ludwig Weinmayer, dobbelt tysk køremester og tre gange World Cup medaljetager for hold. Indvendige sømme og forstærkninger er blevet fjernet for at sikre den ypperste komfort.
Outer hand : 60% polyurethane, 40 % polyamide. Inner hand: 70% polyurethane, 30% polyamide.
Washable (30 °C) - Important: close the touch tape strap, matching up the patches perfectly, to ensure that nothing gets stuck in the touch tape when in the washing machine – so that the touch tape closure continues to work properly. We also recommend placing the gloves in a laundry bag before washing them in the machine.
Produkt-ID: 330530
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