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Neue Schule Bits NS Bits Transform Weymouth 12mm 5cm Shank

DKK 1.940,00
Prisen er inkl. moms ekskl. Fragt
450 kr: -10% rabat på Horze & B Vertigo
900 kr: -5% EKSTRA & -15% på Horze & B Vertigo
Kopier kode: SPRING2025
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Ikke specificeret NS Bits Transform Weymouth 12mm 5cm Shank

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 30 Dages Retur


Is your horse overactive in the mouth? Is he inwardly fixated on the presence of the doubles and not focussing fully on the rein aids? This design is often beneficial for the “short smile” (small distance from the corner of the lip to the muzzle), the busy mouth, tongue evasions or horse's that experience difficulty in breathing and swallowing when in an advanced outline. The NS Transform depresses the whole of the tongue, much further back, creating a larger airway enhancing the horse's ability to breathe and swallow. An indication of a restricted airway may be a tense horse that is over salivating or even making a gurgling sound. Also beneficial if tongue evasions are habitual as there is a lot less room for the horse to successfully draw the tongue back, push down on the mouthpiece or get it over the top. Salox Mouthpiece, Stainless Steel Cheeks, Weymouth Bit.

Produkt-ID: 317519
