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Suedwind Footwear Florentina Back Zip Lace Jodhpur Boots

Fra DKK 679,20
RRP: DKK 849,00
Prisen er inkl. moms ekskl. Fragt

450 kr: -13% rabat på Horze & B Vertigo
800 kr:-18% på Horze & B Vertigo

Kopier kode: SHOW2025
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With the combination of modern and classic elements, the Florentina Collection is a real eye-catcher for everyday use. The series impresses with its high-quality materials and first-class look. European cow leather, New Zealand merino wool, OrthoLite® comfort soles from the USA and handmade rubber soles guarantee best quality and unique style.


  • Italian Leahther //Leather Lining//Classic Square Toe//Handmade Rubber Sole//Ortholite®-Insoles for more Comfort and Moisture Balance//Midsole with Thermoplastic Shank//Laces and YKK® Back Zipper

Produkt-ID: 8M2GS
