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450 kr: -13% rabat på Horze & B Vertigo 800 kr:-18% på Horze & B Vertigo
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Agrobs Weidemineral-Cobs are rich in vital minerals and trace elements. Even in small doses, a daily supply compensates for nutritional gaps in feeding that may arise during the grazing season. Pasture grazing often fails to cover a horse's need for essential trace elements like selenium and zinc. Agrobs Weidemineral-Cobs fill this need effectively. This special summer formula contains chlorella algae, milk thistle, beetroot, hemp seeds, and silica to provide important nutrients for healthy skin and coat and promote general well-being.
Mineralfoder til heste, ingredienser: Pre Alpin® tørrede grønfibre*, dikalciumfosfat (i mineralform), kalk fra havalge, æblekød, hørfrø, salt, chlorella alge, magnesium fumarat, magnesium oxid, hampefrø, olieblanding (hørfrø, solsikke, sortkommen), rødbede, korbendikt, gær og gærekstrakt, æblesirup. Råprotein 7,40%, råolier og fedtstoffer 7,40%, råfibre 9,00%, råaske 45,00%, HCl-uopløselig aske 4,00%, calcium 7,70%, fosfor 2,50%, magnesium 1,70%, natrium 3,80%, stivelse 3,60%, sukker 6,20%, konvertibel energi 6,00 ME MJ/kg. Jern i form af jernsulfatmonohydrat (3b103) 200 mg, kobber i form af kobber(II)sulfat pentahydrat (3b405) og kobber(II)glycinchelathydrat (3b413) 500 mg, Mangan som mangan(II)sulfat, monohydrat (3b503) og glycin-manganchanchelathydrat (3b506) 700 mg, Zink som zinksulfat, monohydrat (3b605) og glycin-zinkchelathydrat (3b607) 4. 00mg, selen som selengær fra Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-3060 (inaktiveret selengær) (3b810) 10mg, Kobolt som kobolt(II)-carbonatgranulat (3b302) 50 mg, jod som calciumjodat, vandfri (3b202) 10 mg.
Produkt-ID: 992667