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Agrobs Senior Mineral 3 kg

DKK 332,22
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3 kg (DKK 110,74 / kg)
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Ikke specificeret Agrobs Senior Mineral 3 kg

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 30 Dages Retur


All-round pleje til ældre heste

Seniormineral meets the needs of the senior horse. Older horses have different mineral requirements than their younger colleagues and this should be taken into account in their daily feed in order to ensure their good health, well-being and strong physical condition well into old age. Seniormineral’s recipe is based on AGROBS trusted dried green fibre which meets all the nutritional demands of a healthy diet without the addition of cereals or molasses. Seniormineral also delivers readily available nutrients such as amino acids, B vitamins and vitamin C in order to maintain good muscle structure and strengthen the immune system. Linseed cake, brewer’s yeast and selected oils (sunflower and linseed) stimulate digestion and ensure a beautiful coat. In short, the body is supplied naturally with all the necessary vitamins and fatty acids required. Fruit, vegetables and rose hip round off the recipe making Seniormineral a valuable and healthy contribution to the well-being of your horse. Seniormineral from AGROBS is suitable for all types of horse. Thanks to the low starch and sugar content and the complete lack of cereals, the feed is also perfect for sensitive animals such as those suffering from metabolic disorders (Equine Cushing Syndrome, Equine Metabolic Syndrome) or allergies.


  • Kornfrit
  • Baseret på Pre Alpin tørrede grønfibre
  • Velegnet til heste med en sensitiv metabolisme
  • Indeholder alle vigtige mineraler, vitaminer og sporstoffer
  • Rigt på aminosyrer
  • Balanceret kalcium/fosfor niveau
  • Melassefrit
  • Stivelse- og sukkerreduceret
  • Til daglig anvendelse med alle vigtige mineraler, vitaminer, sporelementer og aminosyrer
  • Til gamle og aldrende heste
  • Ligeledes velegnet til heste med øget behov.
  • Fx.
  • I forbindelse med vækst, øget stress under træningsfaser eller øget præstation

Teknisk beskrivelse:

Mineralfoder til heste, ingredienser: Dikalcium fosfat, PRE ALPIN® tørrede grønfibre*, kalciumkarbonat, miks af frøolier (hørfrø, solsikkefrø, sortkommen), ølgær og ølgærprodukter, kalk fra havalge, salt, gulerod, magnesium sulfat, rødbede, hyben. Analytiske bestanddele: Råprotein 10,00%, råolier og fedtstoffer 5,00%, råfibre 7,00%, råaske 45,00%, calcium 13,00%, fosfor 5,00%, magnesium 2,00%, natrium 0,87%, cystein 0,06%, threonin 0,22%, stivelse og sukker 3,50%, konverterbar energi 5,80 ME MJ/kg. Vitamin A (3a672a) 100.000 I.E., Vitamin D3 (3a671) 11.000 I.E., Vitamin C (3a300) 20.000mg, Vitamin E (3a700) 15.000mg, Vitamin B1 (3a821) 600mg, Vitamin B2 / Riboflavin (3a825i) 550mg, Vitamin B6 / Pyridoxinhydrochlorid (3a831) 400mg, Vitamin B12 / Cyanocobalamin 2300 mcg, Calcium-D-Pantothenat (3a841) 1. 000mg, niacin (3a314) 2.200mg, cholinchlorid (3a890) 500mg, folinsyre (3a316) 200mg, biotin (3a880) 15.000mcg, jern som jernsulfatmonohydrat (3b103) 500mg, kobber som kobber(II)sulfat pentahydrat (3b405) og kobber(II)glycin chelathydrat (3b413) 1. 000mg, Mangan som mangan (II) sulfat, monohydrat (3b503) og glycin mangan chelathydrat (3b506) 1.400mg, Zink som zinksulfat, monohydrat (3b605) og glycin zink chelathydrat (3b607) 6. 000mg, selen som selengær fra Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-3060, inaktiveret (3b810) 15mg, kobolt som cobalt(II)-carbonat (3b302) 50mg, jod som calciumjodat, vandfri (3b202) 10mg. L-lysin monohydrochlorid (3c322) 24.000mg.

Produkt-ID: 991951
