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Agrobs Omega3 Pur 1l

DKK 129,00
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1 l (DKK 129,00 / l)
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OMEGA3 PUR is a composition of cold-pressed oils of linseed, camelina and Lallemantia iberica (dragon’s head) with an especially high percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids as well as natural vitamin E. Oils are considered to be an appropriate energy source for a ration low in starch, sugar and protein. They provide a high content of health enhancing substances, e.g. omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for regulation of blood clotting and health maintenance of blood vessels. Further, they are a substantial component of smooth cell membranes which serve as junction for the cell nourishment. Thus, they support, e.g. skin cells in absorbing important nutrients. Therefore, the administration of OMEGA3 PUR quickly becomes noticeable through a shiny coat. Omega-3 fatty acids can support the organism in case of inflammatory processes in the body. They add a final touch to every balanced ration.


  • Tilskud med omega-3 fedtsyrer og som opgraderet mængde af omega-3 fedtsyrer til omega-6 fedtsyrer i den komplette ration
  • Fodertilskud til heste der skal have foder med lavt proteinindhold
  • Fodertilskud i tilfælde af rationer med lavt stivelses- og sukkerindhold
  • Som højkoncentreret energikilde

Teknisk beskrivelse:

Fodertilskud til heste, ingredienser: Hørfrøolie, sæddodderolie, lallemantia iberica (dragehoved) olie. Råfedtindhold 99,80 %, forholdet omega 3: omega 6-fedtsyrer 3:1, konvertibel energi 38,90 ME MJ/kg.

Produkt-ID: 335857
