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What’s special With this saddle pad basic you will have endless options. The saddle pad can be used in its simplicity or embroidered with a logo or the name of your horse. The saddle pad can be Combined with our bandages and fly veils too, for a classy Kentucky look. Fabrics & materials The outside of the saddle pad is made from a cotton-like polyester in a chic cube quilting design. On the left side of the saddle pad is a small artificial leather patch with the Kentucky logo, under the logo there’s enough space for embroidery. The lining of the saddle pad is a moisture-wicking cotton-polyester mix. Shape & size The saddle pads are anatomically shaped and make sure the withers are free, to avoid pressure and friction. There’re no annoying saddle straps, only a girth strap. Thanks to the Shape and lining, the saddle will not move during riding.
The saddle pad basic is very easy to clean. You can wash the saddle pad at 30 degrees, do not tumble dry afterward.
Produkt-ID: 337292
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