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Respiratory Horslyx - Supports a healthy respiratory system!
Respiratory Horslyx offers horse owners the unique opportunity to encourage natural, trickle feeding patterns, balance the nutritional deficiencies in forage and grazing and support a healthy respiratory system – all in one tub!Respiratory Horslyx works in two ways:Firstly menthol, eucalyptus and aniseed help keep airways clear of mucus, which help the horse breathe more easily and dramatically reduce stress.Secondly, the Horslyx high specification vitamin, mineral and trace element package - including generous levels of the powerful antioxidants selenium, Vitamin C and Vitamin E, together with chelated copper and zinc - help to support and maintain a strong healthy immune system which maximises the ability to support and aid healthy lung function. This “double action” is unique to Respiratory Horslyx.When fed alongside the correct amounts of good quality forage, Respiratory Horslyx removes the need for buckets of hard feed and offers a palatable, easy to use and cost effective method of feeding your horse alongside supporting his respiratory system.How can Respiratory Horslyx help your horse or pony?To support and maintain a healthy respiratory system.Balancing nutrient deficiencies in forage and grazing.Providing a weatherproof feeding solution which can be used in the stable or field.To help support and maintain the respiratory systems of horses specifically kept for competition and regularly taking part in hard or fast work.Reducing boredom and stress.Offering a palatable diet that requires no mixing or preparing.Respiratory Horslyx offers horse owners a unique alternative to using traditional respiratory supplements.
Mentol, eukalyptus og anisfrø. Horslyx pakken med højt indhold af vitaminer, mineraler og sporstoffer.Kraftige antioxidanter, E-vitaminer og selen. Kelatbundet kobber og zink til bedre optagelse af mineraler.Biotin, zink og methionin til sunde hove.Højt indhold af olie til sund pels.
Produkt-ID: 300627