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The trace elements zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, iodine and cobalt are essential for important metabolic functions in our horse’s bodies. Deficiencies from inadequate supply or increased requirements can result in a variety of mostly non-specific symptoms such as lethargy, susceptibility to infection or allergies, or unhealthy skin and hooves. Spurenelemente pur is a horse feed that’s high in crude fibre and contains all important trace elements to compensate for such deficiencies.
Fodertilskud til heste, ingredienser: Prenatura® tørrede grønfibre*, hørfrø. Råprotein: 12,60 %, råolier og -fedt 2,60 %, råfibre 20,10 %, råaske 14,60 %, natrium 0,10 %. Tilsætningsstoffer pr. kg: Zink i proteinhydrolysat zinkchelat (3b612) 10.000 mg, mangan i proteinhydrolysat manganchelat (3b505) 1.500 mg, kobber i kobber(II)-proteinhydrolysat chelat (3b407) 1.500 mg, kobber i kobber(II)-proteinhydrolysat chelat (3b407) 1. 200mg, kobolt som overtrukket kobolt(II)-carbonatgranulat (3b304) 50mg, selen i selengær fra Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-3060, inaktiveret (3b810) 10mg, selen i natriumselenit (3b801) 10mg, jod i calciumjodat, vandfri (3b202) 10mg.
Produkt-ID: 335861