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Pavo MuscleCare is developed to care of stiff and sore muscles and provides essential support with natural vitamin E and the amino acid β-alanine, facilitating optimal muscle tissue development. When the horse’s muscles are acidfied, Pavo MuscleCare helps the body to dispose of waste products more quickly, supporting rapid recovery after training or irregular exercise.
Sammensætning: Lucerne / calciumcarbonat / soja (bønner) ekstraktionsmel, dampopvarmet NGMO / rugfodermel / sojaolie NGMO / druesukker. Analytiske ingredienser: Calcium 0,9 % Natrium 1,3 % Phosphor 0,4 % Råaske 8,5 % Råfibre 13.3 Råfedt 2,5 % Råprotein 32 % Stivelse 10,8 % Sukker 2.3 Energi (ME) 5,5 MJ/kg Ernæringsmæssige tilsætningsstoffer pr. kg: Cholin 620 mg, folinsyre (vitamin B11) 120 mg, vitamin B6 120 mg, vitamin C 1.000 mg, vitamin E2 6.000 IE, beta-alanin 250 g.
Produkt-ID: 329142