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Neue Schule Bits NS Bits Turtle Tactio + Flex 16mm Loose Ring 70mm

DKK 1.590,00
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450 kr: -13% rabat på Horze & B Vertigo
800 kr:-18% på Horze & B Vertigo

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Ikke specificeret NS Bits Turtle Tactio + Flex 16mm Loose Ring 70mm

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Turtle Tactio™ with Flex. Specifically engineered to accommodate the larger or sensitive tongue. Often negates the need to shut the mouth. FlexT Loose Ring. This bold TongueSMART™ design focuses rein pressure to the central part of the tongue whilst diverting pressure away from the sensitive regions near the bars. The unique central ‘Turtle’ link brings the proximal ends of the cannons to their closest separation possible. The Flex ™ concept of widening the surfaces that lie parallel to the plane of the tongue reduces the pressure further. With any kind of noseband the closed mouth easily accommodates the mouthpiece whose effective thickness in the region of the interdental space is the smallest in the Neue Schule range. To reward horses that want to work with you. Salox Mouthpiece, Stainless Steel Cheeks, Double Jointed Loose Ring.

Produkt-ID: 317550
